A 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity

Your Donation Is A Powerful Catalyst!

You will be joining an effort that provides transformational change not just for today or for the near term, but for generations to come.

We Concentrate On Small Villages

Transform Through WE is focused on the village as a whole, not just the person. This ensures that everyone is included and has the same opportunity to build a brighter future!

"We may not change the world - 

"Is to provide a life-changing foundation to small remote villages that start with access to both Water and Electricity." 


"Transformational change happens when you start with a solid foundation.

Sometimes, all that is needed is a helping hand with those first steps."

One Village At A Time!

But we CAN change THEIR world!"

Our Mission

Electricity Is The Answer

Electricity is the clearest differentiator between developed and developing countries today. It connects every aspect of life. Daily access to electricity will protect and save lives. Yet almost 2 billion people, 1 out of every 4 persons globally, do not have access to electricity. 

It is the WE in our name.

While aid gives much needed temporary relief, it does not solve the ongoing effects of poverty.

We are here to offer a sustainable solution.

At Transform Through WE elevating quality of life is our focus. 

helps fathers provide for their families, empowers women, and encourages children. It opens the doors to possibilities!

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Click on name to login and search Transform Through WE